Homily Feast of the Guardian Angels (2020)

Homily Feast of the Guardian Angels (2020)

In Judeo Christian tradition there has been a constant teaching that there are angels.  Angels are messengers from God.  We just celebrated the Feast of the Archangels earlier this week.  But is there a more personal way of relating to angels?

St. Thomas Aquinas believed that when a person was given a soul when they were created that they received an angel to watch over them at the same time. Perhaps that is why he is known as the Angelic doctor.  The angel’s task was to walk with person in life.  The doctrine regarding angels should reassure us that we never are alone.

How do we know there are angels?  Some spiritual writers have said that we know there are angels because when we make choices, we are often are moved by an inner voice to make one choice or another. The voice that causes us to make good choices, some would say, is that of our guardian angel.

Very sophisticated people have believed in Angels. It was said of Archbishop Schlarman, the third bishop of the diocese of Peoria, that every night he would get on his knees and ask his guardian angel to protect him as he slept.  He had done this since he was a child.  His secretary said that it was quite striking to see this powerful man, who stood six feet six inches tall, down on his knees asking for the help of his guardian angel.

Pope John the XXIII also believed in the concept of guardian angels. One day he was speaking with a new bishop he had named.  The prelate said he could not sleep because of all his responsibilities.  Good Pope John shared that he had the same feelings about being Pope until one day he was speaking to his guardian angel about his concerns and he heard a voice tell him to stop taking things so seriously.

It might be good for all of us to have some conversations with our angel as we struggle with the concerns we have right now.  Maybe we could find some the lightness of spirit we desperately seek.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Was I ever taught about guardian angels as a child?  Did I put this aside when I grew older?  Why?
  2. Angels are spoken of the Bible in numerous places.  Jesus often mentions them as well. Do I need to reexamine by belief in angels?


Dear Parishioners,


          This weekend we will begin religious education classes.  Do you know of children who are not being educated in the faith?  Perhaps you could inform their family of our catechetical program.  We are going to take whatever precautions we can to keep children and adults safe.

          We know that our children are struggling because of the challenges they face from not being able to go to school full time. Many are finding it hard to keep up on reading, writing and arithmetic. It is also a challenge for them to learn the basics of their religious faith.

          Let’s pray that we will be able to give our children the grounding they need so that they might learn the basics of their faith.  This is the pearl of great price.

          May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.


Fr. Mark

P.S. This is the last Friday of our Sacred Heart Novena.  I hope everyone who participated felt uplifted.  I would suggest that we keep doing penance in the Fridays ahead of us.  Our country still needs as much prayer as we can offer.




Homily Twenty-Sixth Saturday of Ordinary Time (Job 42:1-17) “Do I question God?”


Homily St. Therese of Lisieux (2020)