26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    This is the weekend that our annual mission appeal in our parish will take place. Usually, when a parish has a mission appeal a missionary who we have never seen before comes to preach the weekend Masses.  We are fortunate that Fr. Matthew Cole of the Society of African Missions has been with us the last few years. We are familiar with him. Hopefully, we appreciate his ministry. 

    Members of the Society of African Missions engage in what is called primary evangelization.  They try to go to areas that do not have churches and begin Christian communities throughout Africa.  They try to fill needs like the need for water, or the need for basic health care or the need for primary schools. The society has many religious vocations so a lot of the funds that are raised are used to educate seminarians.

     Fr. Matthew and I have a lot of interesting discussions. I appreciate his friendship. He has an interesting perspective on the United States and on issues of peace and justice throughout the world.  He reminds me that the church is bigger than our local parish.  He also challenges me to think about how I participate in mission work. Jesus challenges all of us to, “Go out and make disciples of all nations”. Please respond favorably to Father’s appeal.  Your charity will be used for a very worthy cause.

May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.

Fr. Mark




Homily Twenty-Sixth Monday of Ordinary Time (Job 1:6-22) “Is the Lord Testing Us?”


Homily Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time