24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
Next Sunday we will be asking people to contribute to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. The ADA was postponed from April until now because of the pandemic. This annual collection supports the various ministries of the diocese. The monies offset the salaries for diocesan personnel and the funds also pay for the Diaconate Program. I shared last week that we have two men who are training to be deacons in our parish.
Our goal has gone down from last year by about $20,000. We need to collect about $121,000. The diocese dropped every parish’s goal because of the pandemic. This is still a large amount but need everyone to help. Whatever monies we are short must be made up out of parish funds. Last year we had to pay $30,000.
I would point out that from this point forward we will be having the ADA in September. The diocese does not want to have two fund drives in the same year.
This week you should receive a letter with a pledge card in it. Please send the card back to our office or drop it in the collection the next time you are in church.
Please help us out. We would like to maintain the financial strength of the parish during these hard times.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark