Homily Twenty-third Thursday of Ordinary Time (Luke 6:27-38) “What Goes Around Comes Around”

Homily Twenty-third Thursday of Ordinary Time (Luke 6:27-38) “What Goes Around Comes Around”

There is a concept called Karma which means that the aura we give off is the aura we experience from others.  If we give off an optimistic vibe, for example, we will probably elicit positive comments from others. If we are negative all the time we will probably be surrounded by negativity.

Jesus seems to be saying this in the Gospel that we read at Mass today.  We can all catch ourselves being judgmental. We see another person for the first time, and we assess them by looking at what they are wearing, whether they are young or old or by the color of their skin.  We might start asking them questions about their life.   With each response we might pigeonhole them into a certain category of persons.  The thing that we might not realize is that as we do this, they are probably doing the same.  Before you know it, all kinds of walls have been thrown up between us and people we have just met.

Forgiveness can become a tit for tat thing as well.  We remember the words of the Our Father, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”  If we are vindictive towards others, they are probably not going to be very patient with us.

When people went to the market in the ancient world.  Quite often they did have containers to put their purchases in.  If they were buying wheat to make flour, for instance, they might hold out the apron or tunic they were wearing and ask the merchant to pour the grain in. After that, they would fold the garment over and carry their purchase home.  There were no paper or plastic sacks in the ancient world.

Jesus uses this as an example of what he meant about being generous and non-judgmental towards others.  He said if we do not get too picky about how we measure others in our life, other people will be big hearted with us.  Mercies will come to us that we can only imagine.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I feel people judge me when they first meet me?  What do I think they looking at?  How does that make me feel?
    1. When I interact with strangers am I wary or am I friendly?  How might I change that interaction?


Dear Parishioners,


          Tomorrow we will be having the seventh Friday of our Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This is also a day of fast and abstinence.  There is much to pray for.

          The deaths from the Coronavirus have increased dramatically in the last week.  We remember especially those who have died in the nursing homes in our communities.  Racial tension is still high in our country.  Anger and fear go hand and hand as people try to address the inequities in our society.  We have an election cycle that is most contentious.  We need wisdom as we move toward voting. 

          We certainly have a lot to pray for.  I would encourage everyone to use tomorrow as a day of penance for the many sins of our society. We cannot change unless we admit the need for conversion.

          May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints to pray for us.


Fr. Mark





Homily Twenty-third Friday of Ordinary Time (Cor. 9:16-27) “How’s the Race Going”


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