23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
We have received the happy news that Mike Maynard and Matt Martell have made it to the next stage of the diaconate formation process. On Saturday September 19 they will be installed as lectors at St. Mary Cathedral in Peoria at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. If they persevere, next year they will receive the ministry of acolyte. Following that they will be ordained as deacons. We thank Denise Maynard for accompanying Mike on his diaconal journey these last few years. She is a very important part of our parish and is very dedicated to our church community. She is a fine leader for our parish council.
This has not been an easy formation, especially the last six months. Formation has had to be done online. And the candidates and wives have not had the usual, in person, encouragement that is so helpful. As they continue with their formation, we hope that we can give them more ministry to engage in that will introduce them to the parish.
Again, Congratulations!
P.S. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will be starting soon. If you know of an adult who is looking for a church home or if you are a Catholic who wants to be confirmed contact myself or Sister Kathleen at our parish office. This year’s program will offer a hybrid model that will allow us to form people online and in person.
Fr. Mark