21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    Once again, I would like to thank people for cooperating with the COVID protocols.  I know none of us likes to be told what to do; wear a mask, wash your hands, sign up for Mass, etc. but we all need to try to keep people safe.

    The new garage for the remodeled living space is being erected.  We continue to move forward with the TTT projects.  We are going to be doing some final planning for the remodeling of the 1st floor of the Lee Center so that it may be used for a priests’ residence.  We hope to begin the construction work in the late fall.  Please continue to pay on your pledges.  Or if you haven’t made a pledge, there is still time to do so. Our needs remain the same.

Mark your calendars for the weekend of October 10th and 11th.  This is the date when we will bless our refurbished windows.  Since the pandemic continues, we will bless the windows at all the Masses so as many people can come as possible.  The plan is also to have a walk through on Sunday afternoon so that people can admire the work and get some information about the windows.  This will be a time also to give thanks and celebrate the fact that the projects from Phase One of our campaign have been completed.  This is a tremendous accomplishment. We are sorry that we cannot throw a big party, but we share the best meal of all the Holy Eucharist at this significant moment in our parish’s history.

May our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.

Fr. Mark



Homily Feast of St. Bartholomew


Homily Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time