18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
Bishop Jenky was exposed to the Coronavirus last week and could not take part in the Ordination of Bishop Tylka. It was a reminder of how serious the present health scare is. With millions of Americans now infected it is becoming harder to deny we have serious problems. The “fake news” is that we don’t need to worry.
Bishop Jenky wrote a letter to all of us after he was told to quarantine. He spoke out strongly about two things that seem to be debated among Catholics. One concern was communion on the tongue. He said communion could be received on the tongue only in the most extreme circumstances.
One example of an extreme circumstance would be if someone was a paraplegic. Then a minister could communicate them and sterilize their hands afterwards. Some Catholics have been told that the only reverent way to receive communion is on the tongue. Receiving communion on the tongue is not a precept of the faith. It is a religious custom that is optional.
Another thing that Bishop Jenky stressed was the wearing of masks. Wearing a mask into church and then taking it off defeats the purpose. We catch Coronavirus in group settings where we are together with others for a prolonged time (usually indoors). We need to leave masks on as much as possible. Some people have health concerns which make it hard for them to breath with a mask. This is the only excuse for not wearing them.
The loving thing is to take care of each other. At Sacred Heart, people have been following the protocols from the diocese. I know pastors have had big arguments with parishioners over the two issues I just mentioned I appreciate your cooperation and love for your neighbor.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark