12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
We are slowly trying to open our parish church for sacramental celebrations. We have run into some complications as we have tried to complete the work in the church. Some of the ornamental limestone designs, that the stained glass is anchored in, is damaged. This will require repairs that we were not expecting. Thankfully, there seems to be only two windows that are problematic. We hope this only sets us back a couple of weeks.
I hope to start at least one daily Mass in the church the week of June 22nd. Eventually, we will return to having 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Masses Monday through Friday. We also have set dates for First Communion and Confirmation in July. Please call Debbie Patronagio at our office if you have a child that was scheduled to receive sacraments this spring and you have questions.
Other work continues in the church. We our putting in LED light bulbs. This will have some initial cost, but we will have a lot of savings over the long run and we will use less energy which will be better for the environment.
We also are putting a permanent camera in the church so we can live stream our Masses whenever this is necessary. The cost of the equipment will be around $4,000. If you would like to donate toward this project just drop an envelope in the collection marked “livestream.”
I hope Our Lady and all the angels and saints watch over you this week.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Happy Father's Day to all!