Homily Fifth Thursday of Easter (2020) Feast of St. Matthias: “Surprise Choice”
Homily Fifth Thursday of Easter (2020) Feast of St. Matthias: "Surprise Choice"
Saint Matthias was the man picked out to replace the Apostle Judas. The story of Matthias’ selection is told in the Acts of the Apostles (1:15-26). His main qualification was that he had followed Jesus throughout his public life from the time of his Baptism by John until the crucifixion. He was loyal to Christ. He had heard Jesus’ preaching and witnessed his miracles.
Jesus felt that he was trying to rejuvenate the faith of Israel. It was almost as if he was attempting to recreate the glory days of the Jewish people. The twelve apostles symbolically mirrored the twelve tribes of Israel. Peter felt it was important to keep this symbolism alive, so Matthias was picked out to be the Twelfth Apostle. Matthias did not seek the honor of being one of the twelve but took up the responsibility with great fervor.
A story is told of a Catholic diocese where the biggest most affluent parish lost its pastor. A number of priests wanted the position of pastor in this parish because it was very prestigious. These priests put their names before the bishop with all their qualifications and they demanded to be chosen.
In the diocese there was a hard-working priest who did his ministry and was loved by his people. He did not think much of his own talents. He thought of himself as just a “working stiff” in the diocese. He did not desire to move or to take on the responsibility of the vacant parish.
The bishop called the humble pastor and asked him to become pastor of the large vacant parish. The priest protested. He said, “I know some of the other priests are very interested in this parish. Let them have it, they will be very pleased.” The wise bishop said in reply, “I need you in my largest parish. The reason you should have the assignment is because you think you don’t deserve it.”
Matthias was picked out by the Holy Spirit to be an apostle. He did not expect the honor. He was faithful and died as a martyr for the faith. Mathias truly offered a profound witness for Christ.
Reflection Questions:
1. Is it smart to pick someone to do a job who does not ask for it? Do I think that I recognize all the abilities I have? What talents has God blessed me with?
2. When I look around me today, do I see someone who sells themselves short? How might I encourage that person today?
Dear Parishioners,
On Saturday after Mass we will have our parish May Crowning. Yesterday at Mass we celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1916 Mary is said to have appeared to three shepherd children at Fatima in Portugal. There were several miracles attributed to the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin.
Marian apparitions quite often occur at times of great trial. The apparitions at Fatima were sandwiched between to tragic events. One event was World War I. Millions of people died in the “War to end all wars.” The other event was the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919. Again, millions of people died throughout the world because of this sickness.
One of the sad facts about the apparitions at Fatima was that two of the shepherd children died of the flu outbreak. Francisco died at ten years old. Jacinto died at age nine. Lucia lived into her old age.
100 years after the Apparitions at Fatima, at this time of the COVID 19 epidemic we ask for Mary to protect us and those we love as we crown her statue with flowers. She is our mother. We ask her to plead our cause during this tragic time in history. We place ourselves in her loving embrace.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over all of us today.
Fr. Mark