3rd Thursday of Easter (John 6:44-51) “Bread from Heaven”

3rd Thursday of Easter (John 6:44-51) “Bread from Heaven”

Whenever we had a family celebration when I was a youngster, we would have a potluck dinner.  When we had such a dinner there seemed to be an unspoken understanding among family members about who would bring what food.  We always had just enough of each food group.

My grandmother brought bread.  Her bread was special because it was home made.  The bread she brought was not the same as bread that came out of the store already sliced and full of preservatives.  Her bread was nice and airy, and it had to be sliced. She proudly carried it in, and she gladly accepted the compliments that came her way.  Grandma would love it when her grandchildren would tell her that her baking was better than anyone else’s.

Jesus speaks about a special kind of bread in the Gospel of John.  He offers a long instruction on the bread of life.  He uses a metaphor. Jesus says that he is the bread of life. What does bread offer?  Bread offers sustenance.  At almost every meal in the western world, bread is on the table. 

We equate Jesus’ bread with the Eucharist.  Jesus bread is unlike any other bread because it offers nourishment that will last for all eternity. Moses bread was rained down from heaven, but it was not edible after a day.  Jesus’ bread lasts for all eternity.

Most Catholics feel a real hunger right now because they cannot receive the Eucharist.  The Corona virus has not only affected the physical health of our community.  It has also impacted our spiritual health.  We must rely on memories of the Masses we participated in during past days to nourish our collective memory.  Perhaps recalling these meals will comfort us until we can gather again to share the Bread of Life.  Let us pray that the day of our reunification will be soon.

Reflection Questions:

1. What are some meals that you remember from the past that were real moments of celebration?  Who was there that you recall fondly?  What lessons did you learn from those meals?

2. What do you miss most about the Eucharistic celebrations of our parish?   What are you aware of now that you have taken for granted?


Dear Parishioners,

          Tomorrow we begin the month of May.  This is the month of Mary.  We need Mary’s intercession right now.  Whenever peoples and nations have faced crisis believers have turned to the Blessed Mother asking for her intercession.  This is surely a time to do that.

          Perhaps you might put a statue of the Blessed Virgin in a place of prominence in your home starting tomorrow.  You might also hang a portrait of Mary near the entrance of your home, so you see it when you are coming and going.  These gentle reminders that Our Lady is watching over us can be a comfort in this time of struggle.

          May Mary and all the angels and saints watch over you today.


                                                                             Fr. Mark  



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