Daily Homily 4-13-2020 Easter Monday/Matt: 28:8-15 “An Unlikely Witness”
Easter Monday (2020)/Matt: 28:8-15 “An Unlikely Witness”
Mary Magdalene is often called the Apostle to the Apostles. The risen Jesus told her to go tell his followers of his resurrection. Often it is said, that if something is thought to be embarrassing for the early church yet it is included in the Gospel narrative it must be true.
People would have been scandalized that a woman would have been the one to proclaim the news that Jesus had risen from the dead. Few believed in New Testament times that women were credible witnesses. Yet, Mary Magdalene is the one who is the first witness to the resurrection.
If the writer was making up a fictitious story that they wanted to pass off as a true story, they would not have picked a woman to have a dialogue with the resurrected Jesus. They would have chosen a man, preferably someone like Peter or John. This continues the theme we find in all of scriptures which is that God always picks out unexpected persons to be prophet, king or parents to a biblical hero.
We remember this Easter day that we have been chosen. We probably feel like we are unlikely disciples. We know our weaknesses. We know how fickle we can be in our faith life.
But God sees what we fail to see. We also benefit from the grace of our Baptism. We have supernatural help from the Lord. We do not accomplish virtuous activity by ourselves. We do not overcome our sinful inclinations on our own. God’s spirit is constantly blowing in our lives.
We need special graces today. We have challenges that can seem so overwhelming. Maybe we are applying for unemployment and getting know where. Perhaps we are taking care of elderly parents in their home who have always had independence before. We could be worried about the future of the business we own. Whatever concerns us today we place that before the Lord. We our God’s sons and daughters. We are special. Let’s rely on that truth today.
Dear Parishioners,
I hope that you will be able to join us for our online Masses. The Easter season is a wonderful time to pray with the church. We hear stories of the resurrected Jesus and the early church.
The early church was a very pliable institution, certainly not rigid. The church had to constantly adapt. Ministries were invented. Funding was collected in various ways. Church governance also had to be developed.
I feel like during the last few weeks Sacred Heart has had to adapt in many ways. We have asked parishioners to step up and help us keep in touch with our members. Our online presence has grown. We have looked for various sources for funding. We do all this while continuing to educate the young and plan for what lies ahead.
Let’s pray that we can our community will hang together and that we will be able to gather again as the Body of Christ soon.
May our Mother Mary and all the Angels and saints intercede for you and those you love today.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Remember this streaming schedule that will be in place until the quarantine is lifted:
Monday- Saturday Mass 8 a.m.
Wednesday Adoration and Benediction
8:30-9 a.m.
Weekend Mases Saturday 4 p.m.
Sunday 8 a.m.
Remember that you can pick up Easter Water to bless you house with at the back door of the rectory. That is the rectory entrance off the parking lot.