Fr. Mark's Good Friday Message 2020
Good Friday Message:
Dear Parishioners,
Today we had the burial of Ben Rogers, a parishioner who died of COVAD 19. I include with this message a short homily I gave at his burial. At this time, we can only offer grave side services. Ben will have a memorial Mass at a later date. This is difficult for his family and friends, but safety is the preeminent concern right now.
As I shared this morning in this reflection, it is hard to think of Good Friday as good. What is good about death and dying? Jesus’ death was a noble death. He died to show us that God understands our grief. He died to reveal the Paschal Mystery which reminds us that through death comes eternal life. That fact of our faith is very profound reality.
I remind everyone to have a cross available as you watch our Good Friday services online this afternoon at 3 p.m. When we reverence the cross at Sacred Heart please take time to do that at home. You can have the cross enthroned by your computer and you can genuflect to it. Or you may pass a cross around in and kiss or hold in for a moment.
Keeping silence for a few hours in your home may also is a good idea. This is a day of profound meaning for Christians. Please make it a Holy Day.
May the Sorrowful Mother and all the angels and saints keep us safe today.
Fr. Mark
Ben Rogers
At the beginning of Lent (six weeks ago) most Christians were signed with ashes. Ben probably experienced Ash Wednesday many times in his life. When we are signed with Ashes it is said, “Remember that you are dust and dust you shall return.” Little did Ben know six weeks ago that he would be buried on Good Friday.
We might wonder how we can call this Friday good. We remember how Jesus was tortured and died 2,000 years ago. But it we label this a day good because we must die to enjoy the fruits of the resurrection. As the old saying goes. Without Good Friday there is no Easter Sunday.
Ben, like all of us, knew that his time was limited on this earth. While he was here, he sought to serve others in many ways. He was unselfish and generous to many. We would say that he died in small ways every day. He gave up his life again and again for others. All of that was a sign of his faith in the promises of Jesus Christ.
Today, is a bad day in that we have lost a man who we expected to have with us for many more years. He has been taken from us by the vicious Coronavirus that plays no favorites. Today, is a day of grief and mourning. All of that is necessary. If we grieve lovingly it is good for us. We need not hide our disappointment. We can pray to God freely about it. Today is a sad day.
But for the believer, today is also a good day because Ben has fulfilled his mission in the world. His journey is over. He dies respected by many. He now shares new life in Christ. One day we will see Ben again when we complete our journey. With that realization we do not say goodbye to Ben this morning. We only say we will see you soon.