Third Sunday of Lent
Dear Parishioners,
The COVID 19 virus has become a real concern for all of us. The disruption it will cause for our lives is still unfolding. My head spins every day as new developments happen. I, like you, would like to know how concerned I should be.
Our hearts go out to those that are sick and those that are dying. We also remember those who will not be earning income because they are under quarantine. Our hope would be that our movements do not become restricted.
Last week I received a letter from our bishop about certain protocols we should observe at Mass. I also read information from the National Council of Catholic Bishops and have seen what other bishops are doing throughout the world. We need to help slow the spread of this virus. In no way will we be able to stop it completely. I would not want to think, however. that we did not do all we could to prevent infections. Therefore, we will be implementing the following at Sacred Heart:
1. Holy Water fonts will be drained
2. The Sacred Host should be received in the hand and not on the tongue
3. People should refrain from greeting each other with a handshake.
4. At the sign of peace a reverent alternative to a handshake might be to turn to our neighbor, bow and say, “Peace be with you.”
5. The Common Cup will not be shared
I will be sterilizing my hands before I distribute communion and I would ask our communion ministers to do the same. The reason for taking these steps are obvious. Last weekend people cooperated with these precautions and that was great. As soon as we can go back to normal, we will do so. People have realized this is a way of showing love for their neighbor.
These protocols do not mean that we must walk around with long faces. A smile and a nod are still a wonderful greeting along with a hello. If you want to hug your child or spouse that is up to you. We do not want to become a cold gathering. That would not be in the Spirit of the liturgy.
Again, let us pray for all who are struggling with this health crisis.
Fr. Mark
P.S We will vacate the church this week as windows continue to be installed and removed. Next week we will be back in church for liturgy, unless there is an unforeseen complication. Listen for verbal announcements.