First Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners,

    Lent is the time to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation.  Our RCIA candidates and RCIC candidates are preparing for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist.  We have adults receiving sacraments and children who were not baptized as infants being baptized. 

    It is a challenge to prepare people who are a variety of ages and who have various sacramental backgrounds.  It was much easier when I was a child. You started faith formation in first grade.  By the time you were in eighth grade you had received confirmation and you were on your way.  Now life is not so easy.

There are a variety of reasons why children have not received their sacraments.  A child might have moved in their young life from one place to another.  Another child might have parents who are divorced. Still another might have parents who have left the church for a while in a time of faith crisis. Do we as a parish say it is too hard to deal with special situations like this, or do we work with families to try to reconcile them to the church?  Pope Francis says we both encourage and challenge people who wish to receive sacraments. Our task is not to reject people who do not fit in to predictable patterns, but to reconcile people to the church. 

I am thankful that our religious education staff is zealous enough to want to work with special circumstances so that people can receive sacraments.  They realize that we are to seek out the lost sheep and bring them home.

Today, we are adding a rite for first communicants.  They will be coming to church to offer their names for enrollment.   We will pray over them and their parents.  We need divine assistance as parents and catechists so that we may make the right choices as we educate the young.  I invite everyone to pray for our children as we make final preparations for Easter Sacraments during Lent.


Fr. Mark



1st Sunday of Lent: “If We Know Who We Can Be True to Who We Are.”


Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time