Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
At long last the bank building is now torn down. We now have another piece of property. I would like to thank First American State Bank who gave us the property and paid for environmental clean-up. This is truly a good addition to our campus because we now have convenient parking next to Culemans Hall.
I would like to also thank Jaime Massa from Centennial Construction who oversaw the banks demolition. There were several unexpected challenges, but Centennial came in under bid for the work. The cost was $115,000 to take the building down. We estimate the property itself, without the building, is worth about $180,000.
People have asked what we will be using the property for. It will be green space (which we need in this neighborhood) and the present parking lot will remain. It would be nice to eventually have a sign on the corner for the parish and school. Now, as you come up the street from downtown you can see our beautiful church. No longer will it be as hard to find Seton School and Sacred Heart Parish.
Our finance committee and parish council agreed that we should take money from savings to complete the demolition. If there are some people who would like to make donations to develop the property and offset the cost of the demolition, donations would be appreciated. Just give me a call or drop an envelope in the collection. Any amount of money would be welcome.
It seems hard to believe that our massive campus started with two lots on 16th Avenue. Thanks to the generosity of people throughout the years we now have the attractive complex we enjoy. It is good in an urban area to have natural places of beauty. Hopefully, we can provide some more of that space for our neighborhood. I see many people walking through our campus on summer days enjoying a little bit of peace and looking at the flowers and enjoying the trees. Hopefully, the newest addition to our campus will offer us all another place to savor.
Fr. Mark