5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    Valentine’s Day is coming! We think about love and romance this month.  Whenever we think about these things we naturally think of marriage.  Marriage seems to be falling into disfavor in our culture.  Less people are getting married and they are doing so at later age.

    The number of sacramental marriages throughout the country have fallen off dramatically.  Why is this?  A stable family life is a health thing.  Sociological studies prove that people live longer who are in committed relationships.  Children also profit from a solid home with a loving mother and father.  Yet, somehow people feel like they will be happier if they don’t tie themselves down. 

I have counseled with many couples through the years. I detect a fear to enter marriage.  My words of encouragement to them seem rather hollow since I am not married.  I do not speak from personal experience. Married couples are the best witnesses for the value of the sacrament of matrimony.

For that reason, when I met Bridget Brennan and Jerry Shen last summer at a convention, I believed we needed to bring them to our area.  They have agreed to present a workshop on February 22nd here at Sacred Heart. 

Everyone who is married is welcome. All young people who are considering marriage are also encouraged to come.  Why not sponsor that son or daughter of yours that seems reluctant to tie the knot? We encourage people from other parishes to come.  We would love to have so many people we would be overcrowded.

We hear about standing up for manhood or learning about being a Christian woman.  How about committing a day for becoming more loving couples?  Couples seem more comfortable discussing spiritual subjects without one’s spouse.  Seems strange doesn’t it?

I encourage all couples to come and take part in this special day.  This might be the best Valentines gift you will ever receive.  All it will take is a little time and maybe a little faith in your marriage.


Fr. Mark



5th Sunday of Ordinary Time/ “Do the Poor Deserve a Palace?”


Feast of the Presentation/ “A Light Dispels the Grayness”