Second Sunday of Advent
Dear Parishioners,
This Sunday we will be having the second of three vesper services at 4 p.m. Most of us are probably not aware that there was a Synod on the Amazon this fall. The Amazon region is one of the most biologically diverse in the world. The rain forest there is often called the lungs of the world. There is also a large indigenous population there that is spread out over thousands of square miles. A synod, which is basically a planning meeting for church leaders that is coordinated by the Vatican Curia is an important event in the life of the church.
The Amazon region in South America offers many challenges for church ministry. Some of these challenges are a precursor to issues that the worldwide church is facing. Most of the Catholic population of the church now resides in the Southern hemisphere. Europeans and Catholics who live in North America no longer dominate the Church. Many Catholics who live in the south are poor. The Catholics who live in the north are, for the most part, wealthy. How do we Catholics who live in the North adjust to being in the minority? Fr. Matthew (our resident missionary) offered a brief reflection about that last Sunday at the first vespers service.
This week I will offer some thoughts on climate change. Millions of acres of the Amazon have burned over the past few years. What spiritual imperative do we have to take care of the environment. Pope Francis and many others see this as an essential issue for the church.
Another challenge in the Amazon revolves around women. Most of the ministry that is undertaken there is overseen by women. How are women’s voices to be considered in the church from this point forward? Sister Kathleen will offer a reflection on that the third Sunday of Advent.
Many other issues were discussed at the Amazon synod. Why was this meeting different? Because open dialogue was encouraged. The Holy Spirit could speak through rich and poor, men and women, clergy and laity. Our vespers services in no way can give full voice to the currents that are moving in our church, but this is an opportunity to pray for the future of our world and our church.
During Advent the prophets call for greater justice in the world. It seems appropriate that we pray that the Holy Spirit lead us to a more just world. Come and join us this Sunday.
Fr. Mark