32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
Recently the Synod on the Amazon ended at the Vatican. A synod is a gathering of church leaders who meet in Rome to address certain topics of concern and to advise the Pope. We have had synods on youth, the scriptures, evangelization, etc. The synod process was designed in the 1960’s as the whole idea of a collegial church took hold. Before that time there was a sense that the church was like a monarchy. The Pope and the curia were the policy making body of the church. There was a believe that the post Vatican II church needed to listen to the People of God. The inspiration of the Holy Spirit was not just the property of a few bishops, but it is something that every Christian experiences in big and small ways.
Pope Francis has tried to open the synod process more and more. He is not afraid to wade into controversial topics. There are certain leaders in the church, believe it or not, who are distressed at where the Spirit might lead the church. There are going to be disagreements, but everyone needs to be humble enough to admit that there are many ways to spread the Gospel, also that the church is constantly evolving. We need to ask what is essential to the faith and what can be adjusted. Not all things are equal doctrinally in the church.
I would hope that the church would trust in the Lord as we look at new ministries in the church, look at how we share resources and whether we are taking care of the planet on which we live. If the church is to be relevant, we cannot play it safe. We need to use our corporate wisdom to address tough questions.
I encourage everyone to not be afraid, but to be excited at where the church might travel. We are a pilgrim people and God will show us the way.
Fr. Mark