21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
Many people are probably not aware of the fact that we have two men who declared their candidacy for the permanent diaconate last Sunday at the Cathedral in Peoria. The ceremony means that they have completed the first year and a half of their training. The diocese has decided to let them move forward and they have decided to continue.
Mike Maynard and Matthew Martel want to serve the faithful here at Sacred Heart. They attend the formation program one weekend a month throughout the school year. They also pay for part of the cost of their training. Denise Maynard attends formation weekend with Mike. Matthew is single.
When we consider what Mike, Denise and Matthew have already done, we cannot help but be impressed by the sacrifices they have made. They will make many more sacrifices in the future. They are true disciples of Jesus.
I would like to thank Joe and Debra Terronez who also explored the diaconate but will not be continuing. Joe and Debra are great Christians and they plan on remaining in several ministries around our parish. I appreciate their goodness and deep faith. They have been a tremendous help to all the couples who have children baptized at Sacred Heart. Joe and Deb are great parents and role models.
Please pray for all who minister here at Sacred Heart. Everyone’s dedication helps our parish to function. Without people sacrificing their time, the work of Jesus would not get done.
Fr. Mark