Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear Parishioners,

    Recently we read the story of the call of the first deacons in the Acts of the Apostles.  The Apostles were being overwhelmed in their ministry.  The questions became: would they hold on to their responsibilities or would they share responsibility for ministry with others? The Apostles began to realize that they were over extending themselves and they were not serving the Christian Community well. 

    They knew that they needed to change something in the church structure in order to be more productive ministers.  For that reason, they appointed seven men to be deacons.  The first, of course, was Stephen who was said to be a man filled with faith (Acts 6). The deacons helped the leaders of the church by looking after those who were in material need.  Deacons have fulfilled many other functions in the history of the church.

This story reminds me that our three deacon candidates at Sacred Heart have finished their second year of training.  I am most graceful to God for that.  Matthew Martel, Mike and Denise Maynard and Joe and Deborah Terronez have been traveling to Peoria once a month to participate in the Deacon Formation Program.  This is a great sacrifice made because of a love for Christ and his church.  So far things seem to be going well for them. 

We look forward to the time when these three men can serve our community as ordained ministers.  Matthew, Mike, Denise, Joe and Deborah have already begun to serve our parish in various capacities.  That is a wonderful blessing.

Please pray for them and encourage them when you see them.  I find them to be good and generous people. Like the first deacons they have stepped out in faith and this is rich example for us all.


Fr. Mark

P.S. Many thanks to those who spread mulch around our property recently.  I would also like to thank all those who have ministered at our Confirmation and First Communions.  These have been beautiful celebrations and we have had many compliments.



Fifth Sunday of Easter


Homily Notes 3rd Sunday of Easter-A Meal that Reconciles