Easter Sunday Of The Resurrection Of The Lord

Dear Parishioners,

    He is Risen! With those simple words the angel announces that Jesus is alive.  The Easter message proclaims that death does not have the last word for believers in Jesus Christ.  Really, a Christian’s death is about birth.

    Ronald Rolheiser makes an interesting observation when he reflects upon the Gospel of John’s crucifixion narrative.  In that Gospel we are told that a soldier plunges a lance into the crucified Jesus after he has died.  When he does, blood and water flow out of body of the Lord.  Often it is said that this represents the sacraments of Eucharist and Baptism. The symbolism is obvious.  In the Eucharist we receive the Body and Blood of the Lord.  In Baptism we are washed with water that gives us eternal life.

But the blood and water can also represent the birthing process.  When we are born there is blood, water and tears.  When we come forth from the womb, it is a traumatic experience.  Blood and water are produced in the turmoil of coming to life.  When we die there is usually blood, sweat and tears as well. We might say there has to be in order to enter a new never-ending life.

We remember this new birth today. Death is difficult to face.  But without it there is not a new life.  We look forward as Christians to that birthing process today.  This is our hope.  This is why we say, “Happy Easter!”


Fr. Mark

P.S. Thank you to all those who made the liturgies of Holy Week so meaningful.  Especially, I wish to thank the musicians, Art and Environment Committee and the other liturgical ministers who put in so much extra time.

  • Our next LaSallian Days is on May 11th. This is a training day for lay leaders in our church community.  The day consists of inspirational talks, exercises and practical training for those who might be interested in ministry at Sacred Heart.  The day begins at about 8:00am and ends before 4:00pm Mass.  If you would like to attend, please  contact our parish office at 309-762-2362. 
  • Seton School has decided to vacate the Lee Parish Center starting next year.  The school will be able to house their classrooms in three buildings.  As a result, Sacred Heart will have additional space.  We will be studying various options for how we might utilize the extra space in the days to come.
  • Recently we received a bequest from the estate of Maria Luebbers.  We thank her for remembering Sacred Heart in her will.  We encourage others to do the same.



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