Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    This past week we celebrated Catholic Schools week.  We have a long history of Catholic Schools here at Sacred Heart Parish. Throughout the history of our parish immigrant children have been educated at our parochial school and they have gone on to successful careers.  At first it was Belgium immigrants and now we have Africans and Latinos and people from Asia and throughout the world. 

    When our Belgium ancestors went to school in our parochial schools, at first, the education was free.  The Franciscan Sisters who taught worked for room and board. Their lives were the donation they made to our Catholic school and its mission. As time went by, lay teachers began to teach.  The salaries were low and still are.  But dedicated women and men have made the sacrifices to keep tuition low and costs down.  Drives were undertaken to construct buildings and additions and remodeling when necessary.

Perhaps, if you are reading this pastor’s comment you or your children have benefited from a Catholic Grade School Education.  We are presently engaged in the Today Tomorrow Together Campaign.  Seton Catholic School is trying to raise $875,000 in this campaign so that our grade school building can be updated.

Sometimes the comment is made:  The parents should give this money. Their children benefit. The parents will be asked to do their part, but we will not raise the funds necessary if we expect them alone to fund this drive.  We have always needed other benefactors to fund our school.

I also hear the sentiment that we should be very apologetic for asking.  I find that idea curious.  What other privately funded school or even publicly funded school apologizes for asking for needed donations?  This is a worthy cause.  Part of the work of the church is to educate its members. This is part of the mission of the church. 

This year there is no Annual Appeal for Seton Catholic School. The Today Tomorrow Together Campaign is the avenue for giving to Seton Catholic School this year.  We need those funds to be given and we need people to go beyond what they normally give. This is the only road to success.  Please reflect on how our Catholic Schools have benefited you and your family. Think about how your gift might be deferred giving for what you have received. Consider how your donation might be an investment in a child. Then make your gift.

I thank those who always support our Catholic Schools.  Please be generous.



Fr. Mark



Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Third Sunday in Ordinary Time