Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

     One of the major aspects of the Today Tomorrow Together campaign is the restoration of our Stained-glass windows. We are offering sponsorships of the windows, as we announced the Sunday before Christmas.  The response to this idea has been tremendous.  In fact, we only have 8 windows left to be sponsored.

 The windows that are still available are as follows:

  • The Resurrection Window which can be sponsored for $118,000
  • The Visitation Window which can be sponsored for $83,000

The following windows can be sponsored for $24,000

  • The Ascension
  • Garden of Gethsemane
  • Exodus
  • Finding of Jesus in the Temple
  • Sacrifice of Melchizedek
  • Passover

    If anyone wants to look at pictures of any of these windows you can see them a This is our campaign WEB page. 

    Anyone who is interested in sponsoring any of these stained-glass windows can contact Bobbie Vidmar at our office.  Extended families might consider teaming up to sponsor a window.  The windows of Sacred Heart are known throughout the area for their beauty and are part of our parish legacy.  I would hope that we could receive sponsorships for them all.

We thank everyone who has donated so far.


Fr. Mark

P.S. I would like to thank the Event Chairs for their hard work last weekend as they ran our receptions after all the Masses.  It was a tough weekend with the blizzard we had but their work helped build community.  Thanks to Marcia Harl, Pam Triebel and Linda Wolbers and their helpers.





Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


Homily Notes Epiphany 2019