32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
The Today Tomorrow Together capital campaign continues to progress. Last week and this week volunteers are being trained so that they can go out to solicit donations. Monies are starting to come in and we are off to a good start. I thank all those who are putting in so much time and effort. The official kick off will be in January, but the groundwork is being laid right now. We have the case statement done. Soon there will be a Website. An architect has drawn some preliminary plans for the church addition with a drop off. We are also designing materials so that people might donate for the restoration of a stained-glass window. A lot is being done.
Last Sunday was a reminder as to why we would like to have a place where parishioners can be dropped off safely. We had people on walkers and wheel chairs who were let out of cars in the driving rain in the street. I am sure we had parishioners who are in delicate health who did not come to Mass because they were not sure how they could get into the church in foul weather.
As people who follow Jesus, hopefully we see the need to help other parishioners with this problem. It would be a great asset to our ministry to have a building that allowed people to enter our church out of the weather and that would allow adequate rest room facilities for those in wheel chairs.
Let us all pray for the success of our fund drive. I hope the enthusiasm will continue to grow.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Thanks to those who helped with our Mass of Remembrance last Saturday. Many who attended were deeply touched. Please continue to pray for all the faithful departed.
P.P.S. Several people have asked me about the acquisition of the Bank property. We are still waiting on the State of Illinois to give the bank a letter which declares the property free of pollution. This was supposed to take several months, and it is. We hope to take ownership of the property sometime this winter.