15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

     July 4th marks the middle of the Summer.  It also means that fall is approaching.  When fall comes we start many religious education programs.  There are three that I would encourage everyone to think about.

     The first program is Seton Catholic Elementary School.  If you have children from pre-school through 8th grade, Seton offers a wonderful option for their education.  Seton has a top flight academic program.  All subjects are taught with a religious slant.  God is not a taboo subject in our Catholic Schools be that at Seton or at Alleman High School.  Our students go on to achieve great things in the world, and they also have a solid foundation for their life.  This is a foundation built on faith and values.  I would encourage everyone to be recruiter for Seton School.  We need to have more students and the earlier they start attending Catholic School the better. Call or email Jane Barrett our principle if you have prospective students, 309-757-5500.

     The second program that I would like to encourage people to participate in is our Religious Education Program for public school students.  Debbie Patronagio our new Director of Religious Education for pre-school through 8th grade students has now begun her work here.  She is ready to sign up students for the fall.  She is also recruiting catechists.  Please give her a call at our office if your want to help with this program, 309-762-2362, ext. 210.

     Lastly, I would like to remind people that our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is beginning in September.  If you are an adult who wishes to be confirmed or would like to find a church home, you can call Sr. Kathleen Mullin BVM our Pastoral Associate to find out how you might receive the sacraments of the church as an adult. You can reach sister at, 309-762-2362, ext. 205.

     Once again, I would remind everyone that we need to be evangelists for the church.  The best way to achieve this goal is to encourage those who do not have a commitment to Christ to explore one through our religious education programs.  There is no better feeling than to be a successful ambassador for Christ and to introduce someone to the Lord.


Fr. Mark



Homily Notes Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2018


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time