13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
About two weeks ago, Fr. Don Levitt, Jim Harl and myself, along with a representative of the Steier Group presented the results of our planning study to Russ Courtier, diocesan finance office and Sharon Weiss, Peoria Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. Our study was positively received, and we were given permission to begin the next steps by Patricia Gibson who is the Chancellor of our diocese.
Overall the results were heartening. We interviewed and had surveys returned from 264 households at Sacred Heart. Of the people interviewed, 92% said they were in favor of a campaign to meet capital needs in our parish. If we include all responses the favorable rating drops to 69% but overall 80% of those interviewed said they would give a gift to a campaign. Of those interviewed by Seton School 100% said they were in favor of funding a repair of the grade school building. 79% of those interviewed and filling out surveys were in favor of a capital campaign. 63% would give a gift.
We also had positive response concerning those that would be willing to help with a campaign. The message was that people were willing to give of their resources and time to support a capital campaign.
In the coming weeks I will be meeting with parish leaders to discuss other information gleaned from the feasibility study. We hope to answer questions and set priorities based on what our parishioners said. We will also be negotiating a contract with the Steier Group, so they can help us with our efforts. There will be ongoing dialogue with the other parishes in Moline and Coal Valley and with Seton Catholic School in the days to come.
If we all pull together we can do great things. I would ask for your ongoing prayer during the planning stages for a Capital Campaign. With God’s help, we will make the ministry of the Catholic Church stronger in our area for years to come.
One thing the study said is that people wanted to be kept informed. We will do as much as we can to give everyone information.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Debra Patronagio has recently been hired to be the Director of Religious Education for our parish. Debra will start her work on July 1st. Debra has been a teacher at Jordon Catholic School since 1995. She has also been an assistant director of Religious Education at St. Ambrose in Milan in the past. She has prepared many children for their sacraments. She has numerous skills that will help her in her new ministry. She is also very happy to come to Sacred Heart. She will be introducing herself to the parish over the next few weeks. Please make her feel welcome. Debra is very enthusiastic about coming to our parish and we are happy to have her. I would like to thank the search committee that helped hire Debra. That committee included Janet Hunt (Former DRE), Kate Schaefer (President, Moline/Coal Valley School Board), and Amy Mack (Religious Education Teacher). They were invaluable in approaching viable candidates and helping me in the interview process.