Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
During the past week the priests of Moline and Coal Valley had a meeting with Diocesan Officials to share the results of the feasibility study done by the Steier Group regarding the capital needs of all the parishes that support Seton and for Seton Catholic School itself. We are seeking input from the Diocese of Peoria, so we may know their wishes as we move forward with our plans. The results of the study were completed at the end of May.
As soon as we get diocesan input, there will be a mailing sent out to every parishioner that will give a general run down on what the study shows. The local leaders for this effort felt it was best to wait until the diocesan meeting takes place before detailed information was shared. Our hope is that we can move forward with the next steps of the process, but if that cannot happen until we get the green light from the Bishop’s representatives.
I would share at this point that the results of the study were positive. There is high support for most of the projects proposed. There was great support for making upgrades on our school. We will give hard data in the next two weeks as to the degree of backing for all phases of the proposed project.
I would also share that Steier was very satisfied with the number of people who participated in the study and the honesty that was shown. We think we have a good read on what people want.
Parishioners have a great love for their churches and the school buildings and they want to see them maintained and upgraded. This can only be a blessing for the future. It is also gratifying to see that there is a large group that seems willing to lead and volunteer to work on any potential campaign. Let’s pray to the Holy Spirit that we will make wise choices in the weeks ahead and that God will give us the energy that we need to be successful.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Thank you to all who helped with the rummage sale. It was a great success. We made over ten thousand dollars and probably will make more money than ever before. Connie Morris and all the other workers did great work. Monies will go toward some new furnishings for Culemans Hall.
P.P.S. -Some people might wonder when we will take possession of the First American State Bank. We are still negotiating. We want to make sure that every environmental hazard is taken care of before we take possession of the property. More tests are being done to make sure that there are no hidden costs. The bank owners are being generous, so we want to give them every consideration. But we are being careful at the same time not to open ourselves to any liabilities. Please pray that the deal will be closed soon. This would be a great property to acquire.