Pentecost Sunday

Dear Parishioners,

     Have you ever taken a risk before?  Have you ever tried something new?  We might be the type of people that always play it safe.  Yet, at certain moments in our life, we might have said, “I have to act now, or opportunity will pass me by.”

     When we talk about moving with the Spirit we often feel reluctant.  When we lose our hesitation, though, great things might happen.  We might achieve more than we ever thought we could. 

     The Apostles were a frightened group as they huddled in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost over 2,000 years ago. It seems like their confidence had been shattered.  Jesus, the one they had decided to follow, was dead.  He was disgraced.  He had been executed as a criminal. Nothing could be more shameful than that. 

     But then came the moment of inspiration.  The disciples of Jesus really listened to the voice of the Lord.  He had told them to go out into the whole world to proclaim the good news.  At first, they hesitated, but then they decided to take the leap of faith.

     They no longer cared about embarrassing themselves. From the day of Pentecost onward they would be called to lead others in a most extraordinary mission, the task of spreading the gospel by word and dead.  For many, it would lead to martyrdom, but it did not matter anymore.  They had complete trust in Jesus Christ.

     Too often in the church today, we have naysayers who say that certain projects cannot be done.  We have people who say that the church should be all about maintaining the status quo.  Let’s patch things together.  Things are good enough.  Does that speak of prudence or a lack of nerve?

     We are to let the Spirit move us in this time in this place.  Let’s listen to that Spirit.  We are only faithful if we are not afraid and we gamble on the Lord.



Fr. Mark



Pentecost Sunday 2018


Feast of the Ascension 2018