5th Sunday of Easter
Dear Parishioners,
Jesus uses a metaphor in the Gospel today. In several places in Scripture, Jesus uses “I am” statements. He says, for instance, “I am the Good Shepherd.” He also says, “I am the Bread of Life.” These statements really are words that we can meditate on.
We read another one of the “I am” statements today. Jesus says, “I am the vine and you are the branches.” Jesus speaks of a grape vine. My father had a grape vine that he tended in his garden. Every fall he would cut it back. He would also trim it during certain parts of the growing season. Some branches of that vine would die on their own. If the vines remained on the branch they were alive and green; otherwise, they would die.
The question for us to think about on this Easter Sunday is how we can stay connected to Jesus. Certainly, personal prayer is a way to do this, but it cannot be the only avenue. Christianity is not an individual undertaking; no, we travel with others on the journey.
I would argue that we stay connected by church membership. In the community of the church, we receive support, knowledge and inspiration as we make the journey through life. The Body of Christ is made up of all our Baptized brothers and sisters in the church. Christianity is a social religion. That fact is our strength and at times it is what makes our life difficult as we follow Christ. We travel as pilgrims with other sinners.
Like it or not we are connected to each other. Our communion every week at Mass reminds us of that fact. The hope is that in the end we can rejoice in our connectedness. Humans are social beings and living in the community of the church is one of Jesus’ greatest gifts to us.
Happy Easter!
Fr. Mark