Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
In case you were not aware, it is flu season. I was made very much aware of it the last couple weeks as I caught the influenza virus. I am still fighting the bug. This health concern has generated a letter from Bishop Jenky. He makes several recommendations we might want to consider as we move through the next few weeks. I like to leave these sorts of choices up to individuals. I figure most of us are adults.
Offering a hand shake at the sign of peace may be something we do not want to risk. Maybe a verbal “Peace be with you” would suffice for a few weeks. Another thing we should be aware of is that we should refrain from receiving from the cup if we are not feeling well or if we feel the risk of contamination is too great for ourselves. The chief practice that may transmit germs is receiving communion on the tongue. Ministers do not wash hands between communicants, so saliva can be transmitted from hand to mouth to hand and back again. It would be good to receive on the hand out of respect for others.
Finally, a practice that might prevent sickness would be to wash our hands at home before and after Mass. Communion ministers should always wash their hands when they arrive for Mass. Sterilization liquids, I have been told, are far less effective then good old hot water and soap.
Thank you in advance for everyone’s cooperation.
Fr. Mark
P.S. During the past week we have seated three new parish council members; Thomas Buchmeyer, Rafael Ceja and Carl Pfeiffer. I appreciate their willingness to serve. The main job of the parish council is to implement the strategic plan and to promote stewardship and evangelization. Please pray for these parishioners. I would also like to thank Jeannine Day who completed her term on the council.
P.P.S. Some other good news I would like to share is that we have three men who have been accepted into the Deaconate program for the Diocese of Peoria. Mike Maynard and his wife Denise, Joe Terronez and his wife Deborah and Matt Martel will be involved in diaconate training over the next 5 years. Each of these men considers the possibility of service a great privilege. Being accepted does not mean a man will be ordained, but they have cleared the first hurdle. They will be required to give up one weekend a month for their training. Please thank these people when you see them as they start this demanding process.