The Epiphany of The Lord

Dear Parishioner,

     On the Feast of the Epiphany, we remember the universality of the church.  This is an important fact to remember. The three kings represented in Christian art represent the three corners of the known world at the time of Christ.  If we look at our nativity sets we see that one king looks European, one king seems to be from Asia, the last seems to be from Africa.

     Our church is a melting pot.  The church has a presence in almost every country in the known world.  Our country has always been a nation that has its door open to people from throughout the globe.  This has not always been a concept that everyone has agreed about.  In every generations when there have been new arrivals there has been unease and bigotry.

     People often have selective memory.  The Irish were frowned upon when they came to the United States.  Italians were also looked at with suspicion at the beginning of the 20th century.  The Belgium immigrants were made fun of.  A lot of this had to do with religion.  Would Catholics be loyal to the Pope or to the United States?

     Suspicion of immigrants continues today.  We have new Catholics in our midst from Asia, Latin America, Africa and a host of other places.  Are we welcoming to them?  Do we help them get a foothold in our country? Scripture says many times that we must welcome the alien.

     As we commemorate the Epiphany today we should resolve to leave racial hatred behind and pray that our nation will be merciful to those who seek a safe refuge in a troubled world.  The Holy Family welcomed the magi into their home. The magi brought gifts.  Immigrants bring many gifts to our country.  May we offer them a welcome.

P.S. Remember the Epiphany party at the rectory today from 1-3 p.m. for all parish volunteers.   


Fr. Mark



Homily Notes Feast of the Epiphany 2018


Fr. Matthew's Homily Notes Dec. 31, 2017