The Transfiguration of The Lord
Dear Parishioners,
Fr. Matthew Cole is going to use my column this week to introduce himself. Thank you to all who have welcomed him. I think I can speak for our parish is glad to have another ordained minister among us. Fr. Matthew is very open about his various experiences. He has some fascinating stories to tell about his Christian journey.
Fr. Mark
Dear Parishioners,
Grace and Peace to you:
My name is Fr. Matthew Abu B. Cole, SMA, a missionary priest and member of the Society of African Missions. My nickname is “ABU THE PRIEST”. I was ordained July 20th 1996 (Takoradi, Ghana), the only Liberian member of SMA until July 1st of this year when a second Liberian was ordained.
The SMA (Societas Missionum ad Afros) is an international Society of Catholic (Priest and Lay) Missionaries who come from around the world and are dedicated to the spread of the Gospel in Africa and among African people. SMA was established in America in 1906 with presence in the Archdioceses of Newark (NJ), and Washington (DC) and Boston (MA). Our missionaries have been present in Africa since 1856.
Where is Liberia?
Liberia is on the West coast of Africa, formerly known as the Pepper Coast, or the Grain Coast. It was there that in 1822, the American Colonization Society (ACS), settled free African-Americans and ex-Caribbean slaves as an alternative to emancipation in the United States. In 1847 Liberia became the first republic in Africa. We have the first female president in Africa, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. American symbols and culture abound in Liberia. The first Liberian constitution was crafted under the model of the United States; rivers, cities and streets are named after those in America or after American political leaders and functionaries; Monrovia, the capital city, is named in honor of former President James Monroe (5th U.S. President).
Prior to the priesthood I worked as a Broadcast Technician with the Catholic Media in Liberia and with Radio Vaticana, in Italy (1985). Since my ordination “Abu the Priest” has lived and served abroad and in many African countries. Here is a brief résumé of my journey to Sacred Heart, Moline:
1. Parochial Vicar, Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Madina, Accra, Ghana (1996 – 2003)
2. Director SMA Development Office, American Province (2003 – 2008)
3. Pastoral Care Office, Holy Name Hospital, Teaneck, New Jersey (2005 – 2007)
4. Acting Superior SMA House of Formation, New Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria (2008 - 2010)
5. SMA Vocation Director, Animator and Fundraiser, Monrovia, Liberia (2010 – 2011)
6. Director, Radio VERITAS (FM 97) - Catholic Media Center, Catholic Archdiocese of Monrovia (2011 - 2013)
7. Parish Priest (Pastor), St. Mulumba Catholic Church, Monrovia, Liberia (2011 – 2016)
8. Sabbatical Year, SMA Fathers, Tenafly, New Jersey, USA (July 2016 – July 2017)
9. Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Moline, Illinois (July 6, 2017 - )
Fr. Mark has invited me here to help out during this summer. I am happy to have met you and look forward to working with you and to serve you. As St. Paul would say “For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building” (1 Cor. 3:9).
God bless - Fr. Matthew (Abu the Priest)
P.S . I beg your indulgence for the history lesson!