Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday
Dear Parishioner,
This weekend we are having confirmation on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Easter season is the appropriate time to celebrate the sacraments of initiation. There are a number of Theologies that give Confirmation meaning.
One Theology revolves around the Sacrament of Confirmation being the sign of Christian maturity. We say on our confirmation day that we are making a choice for Christ. We are ready to commit fully to following him. I have seen people at a variety of ages make this choice from eighth graders to college students to adults at the Easter vigil.
One of my Lenten activities has been to prepare a man for confirmation who did not receive it earlier in his life. He is getting married and he wanted to be confirmed. His was a special case. It was good to see his curiosity and love of the Lord. He is one of many people I have instructed. It was good to do this spiritual work. Always the question is, are the ones who are instructed ready?
How do we know we are ready for this most important choice? One day we may feel ready. Other times we may not. I remember getting confirmed in the seventh grade. Did I understand the ramifications of my choice for Christ? I often think today that if I had to wait until I was completely sure I might not have ever been confirmed. Some days I live up to my Christian commitment. Other days I act very worldly.
I guess that is where the Holy Spirit comes in. We say that we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation. Another way to put it is that we open our hearts to those gifts. If we fail to maintain our commitment the Holy Spirit will constantly touch our lives until we respond to the love of God and recommit over and over.
Let us pray for our young people this weekend. May we, who have been confirmed, recommit to being disciples of Jesus.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Thank you to Msgr. Wellman who is with us for Confirmation. He is representing Bishop Jenky this year and administering the sacrament in his name.