Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioner,
Lent begins this Wednesday. The theme we will have this year is from Psalm 33. It is, “Lord let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you.” This is a psalm that we use for a response several times during the Lenten Season.
We have any number of devotions and activities for Lent and I would encourage everyone to keep the season well. Once again, we will have the Baptismal font placed in the Sanctuary. It will be dry. This is a visible reminder that we are preparing to renew our Baptismal promises at Easter. We do not normally celebrate the sacrament of Baptism during Lent. We prepare for it.
Another thing we will do for Lent is that we will hand out a devotional at our Ash Wednesday services. The devotional is written by Sister Genevieve Glen. There are readings and reflections for every day. I encourage all members of the parish to take a few minutes each day to pray and ponder these readings. As I announced last week, we also will offer some reflection groups for Lent that will meet in parishioner’s homes.
We also want to pray in a special way for the adults who are going through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. I have interacted with our candidates throughout the last few months. They have a deep hunger to join the church. They are a sign to us of the hunger we should have as we seek to grow close to Christ during these weeks of Penance.
Let us seek to cast whatever is sinful behind and to grow in holiness during the six weeks of Lent. Again, I encourage everyone to join in the liturgy of the church and the devotions that are offered. Sit down and come up with a plan today and try to follow through with it.
Fr. Mark
P.S: Every so often I like to remind parishioners that we do visit the sick in the hospital, nursing homes and at home, but we need you to inform our office. Hospitals, especially, do not always give us the information. If they do not ask a patient directly about their religion when they are admitted, then they do not follow-up. If you have a loved one who is treated in any hospital in the area, please call our office and let us know.
P.S.S: Thanks to the Social Committee for all their hard work planning the Fat Tuesday Party.