Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioner,
We had a wonderful Epiphany Party last Sunday and I would like to thank Connie and Dan Morris and Marie Gonzalez and all our staff for serving. It was wonderful to open our home and to see people enjoying themselves for a while. It is a very Catholic characteristic to celebrate.
Several people were able to meet people in the parish that they had not met before. I heard a good number of parishioners start their conversation with the words, “I have not seen you in so long.” We do lose track of each other even if we live in the same city. We might go to different Masses or we might have moved to another neighborhood.
Ecclesia is a Greek word that means church. Church does not designate a building, but it points to a community of faith. Community building is a very important part of making a strong church family. In a large parish, we can become fragmented. Younger people can be divided from the old. Seton School families might not know public school families, etc. It takes effort to reach out to others. The stronger the ties that bind us the more we can accomplish together.
Perhaps we can make a New Year’s resolution to try to do our part to build up Sacred Heart’s Church Community. One good way to do that is to go out of our way to invite others into our activities in the parish. We might also go up to introduce ourselves to others at Mass. We can also join in activities that we have not tried before.
I would like to thank all those who go out of their way to build community and encourage all of us to do more.
Fr. Mark
P.S. I made an appeal about a month ago, for parishioners to submit names of men that might be good deacon candidates. I would have to say that the response has not been great so far. The diocese is starting a new class for permanent deacons this year. Deacons assist at liturgies, do charity work and offer leadership in the parish. If you feel someone would be a good deacon please put the name in a white envelope with my name on it and drop it in the collection.