Homily: Fifteenth Wednesday of Ordinary Time
Fifteenth Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Mt. 10:1-7) “Wanted: People with Opinions”
In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus picks his disciples a little later in the Gospel Story than he does in other Gospels. We hear that he makes a tour of all the towns and villages. He then summons his apostles. We get a sense that he was careful who he picked. He was looking for certain qualities.
We see that he chose ordinary men. He did not choose the rich and the powerful. Someone observed that he picked ordinary men who might be able to do extraordinary things. He based his choices on potential not on the person’s present status.
I read a book once called, Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns. The book was about Abraham Lincoln. It covers the period of the Civil War. Lincoln was elected in a very bruising campaign. He had many powerful people that he ran against. Many derogatory things were said about Lincoln by his opponents. They made insulting comments about his appearance and his intellect.
When the time came to select a cabinet, many were surprised that Lincoln chose men who were some of his most ardent political opponents. He knew that he needed men of great ability to guide the country through a time of crisis. He did not want people who would simply flatter him. He wanted men who would share their beliefs about the state of the country even if that was bad news. Lincoln’s choices were sound, and the union was saved.
Jesus picked apostles that did not always agree with him or with each other. We have many stories of disagreements within his circle of apostles when we read the Gospels. In the end the apostles showed bravery and insight as they laid the foundations of the church.
Pope Francis has asked the modern church to enter dialogue. He wants to hear all opinions. Such dialogue is exhausting, but if leaders can speak their truth, not worry about their personal ambitions then good things can happen in the church.
Reflection Questions:
- Has speaking the truth in a meeting ever gotten me in trouble? Was I glad I did?
- How did Jesus pick his disciples? Why did he pick me?
Dear Parishioners,
On July 24th we will be having a Bingo fundraiser. This is a social event, but it is also an event to raise funds. Last winter the cost of heating our buildings was way over budget. I am sure your home heating costs were too. It seems hard to be concerned about that when it is now about 100 degrees, but it did have a significant impact on our budget.
That’s why we are having this fundraiser. If you would like to donate a basket to be raffled or baked goods, please call our office and we can relay the information to our social committee. If bingo is not your passion, you can always donate. Just drop an envelope marked Bingo in the collection with a check or cash and we will use it to offset the cost of the fundraiser.
Let’s pray for an end to gun violence today. The shooting this past weekend near Chicago was disheartening.
May Our Lady of Peace pray for our violent world.
Fr. Mark