Homily: Tenth Thursday of Ordinary Time
Tenth Thursday of Ordinary Time (1 Kings: 18: 41-46) “The Fear of Change”
During the last few days, we have been hearing about the Prophet Elijah’s conflicts with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in our Mass readings. Jezebel was a foreign-born queen who brought her worship of other Gods to Israel. She did not like Elijah. Elijah was openly critical of the false worship that was taking place.
A drought happens in Israel and the crops are decimated. The sense of the people is that this drought is a punishment sent by God because the first commandment is not being observed. Ahab seems to waver in his support of his wife. It seems like he is ready to return to his faith in all its purity.
The section that we read today describes how the drought finally comes to an end. A cloud appears on the horizon which gradually develops into a terrific storm. The turning point in the crisis seems to have come. The nation is saved.
Jezebel regains influence over her husband, and he once again worships the God named Baal. Elijah must flee for his life once more. An opportunity is lost, and the crisis continues. It seems like Ahab is more at home living in his sin than his is escaping it.
Isn’t that the way we all operate at times. I have seen people in an abusive relationship, and they would rather stay in that relationship than leave it. Why? Because the known is less frightening than the unknown. If we move into a new circumstance, there are all kinds of unknowns. Courage is needed to face uncertainty.
Today might be a day to reflect on our own lives. Do we continue behaviors or relationships that are unhealthy? Why won’t we change our lives? Can we look at our need to change from a rational perspective or do we simply let our fears rule our lives? Let’s all pray for strength to make changes we need to make relying on God’s grace.
Reflection Questions:
- What has been the biggest turning point in my life? Did I move into the unknown with fear or faith?
- Can I think of a time when I moved forward with a firm resolve? Did things get better or worse?
Dear Parishioners,
In the month of July, we will be having Vacation Bible School. If you know of a child who would like to attend, please tell them to call our office and speak to Debbie. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to grow closer to the Lord.
Culemans Hall is full of items for our rummage sale. We have many volunteers who are at work, and it is gratifying to see the parish pull together for this event. I would invite everyone to stop by. Maybe there is some item that you might need. There are bargains galore.
May Our Lady of Peace pray for an end to violence in our world.
Fr. Mark