Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear Parishioners,

     We received word from the Diocese of Peoria a few days ago that our plan for our new Gathering Center had been approved.  This means the design has been accepted and the financing proposal has been deemed appropriate.

     There has been a lot of work that has taken place since last fall.  The Building Committee has met numerous times. Hours and hours of work have been put in.  We have tried to hold the line on cost even though inflation has gone through the roof. The result will be a nice building that will meet our needs. We also will need to borrow some money to complete the building.  We had not anticipated this when we started, but costs have gone up 45%. We either act now or we will have to spend a lot more.  More information will be on our website soon.

     Sometimes I ask myself if this is the time to move forward and then something happens that strengthens my resolve.  Today we had a wedding at our parish.  I was standing outside, and a man pulled up in a car.  He asked if we had a handicapped entrance.  The man had a walker.  I explained that we had the East entrance that had three steps.  I then explained we had an outside wheelchair ramp on the other side of the church.  The man became agitated.  He said, “I will just have to tell the bride I could not get in.” With that he drove off. These incidents happen often. 

     Let’s pray that by this time next year I can say to those who inquire.  “Yes, we have three entrances without steps.  Let me show you where they are.” This would certainly be a sign that we would like to welcome everyone to our liturgies.

May Our Lady of Peace intercede in our violent world.


Fr. Mark



Homily: Fourth Monday of Easter


Fourth Sunday of Easter (Jn. 10:27-30) “Mom’s Voice-Jesus’ Voice”