Homily: Feast of St. Philip and James
Feast of St. Philip and James (John 14:6-14) “Which Way Is It?”
St. Philip seems like an inquisitive fellow. In Chapter six of the Gospel of John, Jesus is about to multiply the loaves. Jesus asks where they can find food to feed the multitude. Philip observes that they could not feed the people with two hundred days wages. Jesus’ miracle must have been that much more impressive after Philips statement.
We then see him at the Last Supper in the passage that we read today. He again makes an observation. Phillip says what we might like to say to Jesus. He says, “Show us the way to the Father.”
Despite having been taught about our Trinitarian God our whole life and how the three persons are really one we all tend to treat the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three separate entities. We are probably more comfortable with one person of the Trinity rather than the other two. In spiritual practice, we might find it easier to pray to the Spirit rather than to the Father for example.
Some Christians might have had bad experiences with their fathers growing up. Maybe they were distant or were abusive in some way. This would cause people to find it hard to relate to God as a Father figure. We might also equate the Father with the God we see in the Old Testament who at times is violent or mercurial. The God we find there might be a little bit scary. We might find it hard to approach him.
Jesus tells Phillip and he tells us at the same time, “Give up the picture you have of God.” If God seems anything but loving, we may have a warped view of God. Jesus is the Father. Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
Jesus came into the world for reasons we can only speculate about. One reason he came is that we might understand God better. Jesus is the God who people touched. Jesus was the God that the Apostles befriended. Jesus wanted to show all of us that we need not fear God.
Jesus also wanted to teach his ethical principles. We can be sure if we follow his way, we will find the Father.
Reflection Questions:
- Which person of the Trinity am I most comfortable with? What does that say about me?
- What are the main tenants of Jesus’ way of life? What is most reassuring in his teaching?
Dear Parishioner,
May is always the time when clergy are moved. We will be having several priests moved from our area. Bishop Lou is just starting his tenure in Peoria. There are always some surprises in what a new bishop does. For instance, there will be some Franciscan Fathers coming to minister in Rock Island. We don’t know how many, but they will be administrators of St. Pius, St. Mary and Sacred Heart. They will also be the main priests taking care of Trinity Hospital and Augustana College.
The arrival of the Franciscans is another sign that there is a shortage of vocations. In the future the church will need more lay ministry, or it will not be able to fulfill its mission. Let’s pray that those in our area who have new pastors will be able to adjust. Let’s pray for Msgr. Meridian, Fr. Wilson and Fr. Spannagel as they begin new assignment in June. I am sure they have ministered to many Sacred Heart parishioners in direct and indirect ways.
May Our Lady of Peace intercede for us.
Fr. Mark