Homily: Fifth Wednesday of Lent
Fifth Wednesday of Lent (Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92,95) “Freedom’s Price”
When I read the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, I can’t help but think of the stories we have heard coming out of Ukraine the last few days. As the Russians withdraw from the area around Kiev numerous bodies have been found of unarmed civilians. Some have been found in mass graves. Others have been found lying in the gutter. There are those who seem to have endured torture while others have their hands bound behind them and were shot in the head.
What was the crime that these people committed? Perhaps we could say that they refused to kneel before the golden calf of a despot like Nebuchadnezzar. I wonder if the people who were murdered would have been able to save their life if they had to pledge allegiance to the government of Russia.
Unfortunately, this story had been repeated many times through the centuries. The loyalty that is sought by force seldom materializes. As soon as people can achieve their freedom, they cast off their shackles and grab it. What is disheartening is that many people choose to be ruled by autocrats and dictators. Somehow it sees easier at first. But the loyalty usually breaks down over time.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s story has inspired countless people to refuse to compromise what they believe. The three of them were cast into the fiery furnace but they did not die. There was a happy ending for them. We read how they danced in the flames with an angel who came to save them.
I have faith that the innocent people who were killed in Ukraine will share in the resurrection of Jesus. I have hope that they are dancing now in the presence of Jesus. In the end the dictator who caused the death and the murderers who carried out the execution will answer for their crimes before the Son of Man who died in a similar fashion only to rise again.
Reflection Questions:
- Who are the Nebuchadnezzars of our world? Will their names be remembered with fondness?
- Do I see Jesus suffering in the world today? Where do I see this?
Dear Parishioners,
This Friday night from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Seton School will be holding a fish fry at Christ the King Parish. There will be plenty of food and this is a great way to support our Catholic grade school. I would encourage everyone to attend.
Registration for the fall semester is also taking place right now. Do you know of a child that would benefit from a Catholic grade school education? Please encourage their parents to go to the Seton WEB page to receive more information. We need families to invest in our Catholic schools if they are to prosper.
Our Lady of Peace pray for our world this day so that all wars will end.
Fr. Mark