Fifth Sunday of Lent
Dear Parishioner,
Bishop Tylka announced this past week that he would be reinstating the obligation to attend Mass on Palm Sunday (the beginning of Holy Week). Very soon, all five dioceses in the State of Illinois will have made this announcement. There has always been a caveat about the Sunday obligation, which is that if one is sick, the weather is terrible, or a person is contagious they should not attend. Some caregivers, may be dispensed. Another situation that releases someone from the Sunday obligation is if a person is traveling and there is not church readily available.
There has not been a lot of publicity about the return of the obligation. I ask that you inform friends and relatives of this news. Sunday Eucharist is a necessity if we are going to maintain a healthy church community.
Alleman Catholic High School has begun to advertise for the positions of principal, assistant principal and athletic director. The transition team is serving generously, but we would like to get some long-term personnel in place. If you know of any qualified candidates, please refer them to Alleman.
The Partners in Mission planning process is concluding as well. Reports have been written and a final strategic plan will be put together soon. I have seen the plan and it is very comprehensive. It is realistic assessment of where Alleman is. A large part of that plan will concern school governance. I have heard Bishop Tylka say on several occasions that he wants local governance for our Catholic High Schools. This is a positive step. Let’s pray for the future of Alleman as we move ahead. A lot of people are generously giving of the time and resources to try to bring stability back to Alleman High School. I thank them.
May Our Lady bring Peace to our fractured world.
Fr. Mark