Second Sunday of Lent
Dear Parishioners,
I am sure that we all feel terrible about the war in Ukraine. What are some things we might do? One thing might be to fast and pray in a special way on each Wednesday of Lent. Another thing might be to take a Rice Bowl home this year and to really sacrifice to put money into it. These monies go to Catholic Relief Services. CRS is always on the front lines whenever there is a crisis, offering emergency assistance. At least some of the money we give to the Rice Bowl will end up helping the Ukrainian people. Another time of prayer that I have been asked to mention is the Friday Rosary. Members of the parish lead a rosary every Friday at 7:40 a.m. They will be offering this rosary for Ukraine. Attending the Stations of the Cross on Wednesday evening would also be a good thing to do right now. Jesus is still suffering, and he is being crucified each day as war rages in Eastern Europe.
This is truly a dangerous time for the whole world. The Church’s peace and justice teachings are often dismissed as political. The church cannot be silent at this moment. Pope Francis visited the Russian Embassy at the Vatican the day the war started. He pleaded for peace. This was unprecedented. Popes usually summon diplomats to see them. Francis did not stand on ceremony. He knows the dangers of war in Europe.
Let us pray that suffering will end. Let Paul VI’s words be ours. Paul said in his visit to the United Nations in 1965, “No war ever again! Lay down your weapons.”
May our Lady of Peace Watch Over Our Troubled World.
Fr. Mark