5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
This past week we received a resolution from the Diocese of Peoria that will allow us to replaster and repaint certain areas on the East side of the church that have been damaged by water during the last few years. Last summer we repaired gutters and added downspouts that we believe will alleviate the leaks for now. With a church the size of Sacred Heart there will always be challenges with leaks. The drainage off the church is quite complex and there have been ongoing problems throughout the years.
The plastering will be in the upper reaches of the church and will require scaffolding. These are areas that require special skills. The repairs will take several weeks, but we should be able to worship in the church. We hope to do the plastering before Lent begins.
This will cost us about $25,000 and the money will come out of our memorial funds. These monies have come to us over the years when people leave their memorials to Sacred Heart at the time of a funeral.
The finance committee has approved this work. We want to make sure that Sacred Heart Church continues to be beautiful and inspiring for all who come to worship with us. If anyone would like to make a special donation to this project, please put an envelope in the collection with your gift and mark it church repair.
May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark