Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    We had a training session with Quad Cities Interfaith for our deep listeners recently.  It was a good day and we had about fifteen people take part which was more than we originally planned for.  You could tell the “listeners” value church and want to build up our parish. 

    What is the purpose of the deep listening campaign?   We want to have a conversation about our parish with parishioners and about the struggles that people are having in their lives right now.  We have been unable to gather freely during these last two years.  Certainly, a lot has gone on during this time. There are no set questions.  This will be a free-flowing conversation, one parishioner talking to another.

     We will not be talking to everyone, but it will be a cross section of people. We are aiming for about 70 households. If you are contacted, I would ask that you participate if possible.  Listeners will be talking with people all through February. 

     We will commission the listeners this weekend at the 4:00 p.m. Mass and the 9:15 a.m. Mass.  Please pray that this community building effort will be a success.

May Our Lady and all the Saints watch over you this week.

Fr. Mark


P.S. We are going to be rebuilding our Web Page.  It is over five years old.  We want to freshen it up and make it easier to use.  We also post our Masses on the site and since we are now doing a lot of online ministry, it is important that the site have good capacity.  Please feel free to donate to the web-site project by placing a donation in an envelope and send it to the parish office or drop it in the collection.  Just mark it WEB Site.



Homily: Fourth Tuesday of Ordinary Time


4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Jeremiah 1:4ff) “Fidelity is Not Easy”