Homily: Third Thursday of Ordinary Time
Third Thursday of Ordinary Time (2 Samuel 7:18-19, 24-29) “God’s Forgiveness is Free”
David was truly blessed by the Lord when he was raised up to be the King of Israel. We read in Second Samuel, how David wants to thank the Lord. He brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, and he wants to build a temple for the Lord.
But the prophet Nathan tells David that it is not David who will build a temple for the Lord, but it is God who will build a house for David. The house God will build is the monarchy that will be established for David and his descendants. The family of David will rule over the People of God forever.
God’s gesture reminds David that any gift he wants to give back to the Lord is inadequate. How can a material gift be equal to God’s favors? In the end David does not build a temple for the Lord. That is up to Solomon his son.
As we read farther, we hear how David commits the sins of adultery and murder. David disappoints everyone tremendously. He repents of his sin. He offers God the greatest gift of all which is a contrite heart (Psalm 51:19). David had the ability to repent and say he was sorry. He also had a faith that God would love him and forgive him no matter his offense.
I know that when I don’t have my spiritual head on straight, I tend to try to do more for God than God can do for me. I don’t like to be in debt to God just like I don’t like to be in debt to anyone else. There is a pride that I need to let go of.
When I stop back to consider all that God has done for me in the past, all that God is doing for me now and what God has promised to do for me in the future then I realize my little sacrifices are not that important. God would probably rather have my love and worship, God would also rather that I extend my charity to those in most need. Those are the things God would want from me.
Reflection Questions:
- Do I try to pay God back for what the Lord does? What form does that take?
- Why can’t I accept God’s free gifts? How could I be more gracious about doing that.
Dear Parishioners,
Tonight, we had a meeting with parents of children who will be receiving their First Reconciliation. This is an opportunity to connect with young families and it was good to have a nice turnout. During COVID this has been very difficult, but we had a nice session tonight. Any activity that has a sense of normalcy about it is a wonderful diversion for all of us.
Acknowledging our need for the mercy of God is a necessary step in developing a relationship with God. If we don’t see that we sin, we don’t ever acknowledge that we need a savior. We fall in love with God when we come to realize that our Lord wants us to feel his forgiveness. Our Lord does not want us to be afraid or to wallow in guilt and shame.
The way forward many times is to confess our faults and ask for absolution. This is a Christian teaching that we all need to be put in touch with again and again.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.
Fr. Mark