Fourth Friday of Advent
Homily: Fourth Friday of Advent (2 Samuel 7:1ff) “The Chosen”
When we read through the stories of Jesus’ birth, we might wonder why it is so important that Jesus was a descendent of King David. Part of the reason is that David was the most successful of Israel’s kings. His reign saw the twelve tribes of Israel brought together. His Kingdom was so powerful that other nations were intimidated and refrained from making war on Israel. Usually, Israel was an easy target for foreign powers.
The other reason that Jesus’ heritage was important was that Jewish Theologians believed that a descendent of his would be born and would restore the luster of Israel. In other words, a King Like David would rise up to lead Israel.
Part of the reason this was expected was the passage that we read today at Mass. King David was coming to the end of his life. The question on everyone’s mind was whether his heirs would be as strong a leader as David. Unfortunately, this was not the case. King Solomon was a good ruler at first, but at the end of his life he committed apostacy and his descendants proved to be weak and corrupt.
The person who wrote 2nd Samuel knew all of this. The people of Israel probably were despairing about the future of their country. The idea of a Messiah started to be proclaimed by prophets and religious leaders.
The overall belief wat that God would not let his chosen people be destroyed. Israel had to continue because it was God’s will. This idea is what has sustained the Jewish people through many trials including being dispersed throughout the world and enduring the Holocaust. The Jewish people have faced oppression and racism repeatedly, but they still endure.
For Christians Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise of a savior. We believe that Christians have been chosen. We also believe that the church will endure every trial that may come our way. It is that faith that causes us to celebrate at Christmas.
Reflection Questions:
- Did I ever consider why it was so important for Jesus to be a descendent of David? What does this mean to my faith?
- David was a less than perfect ruler and his descendants were also notorious sinners at times. What does that say about the advent of Jesus?
Dear Parishioners,
I would like to offer you all Christmas greetings. I thank all those who have brought by gifts and food. Fr. Matthew and I can gorge ourselves. We may not be able to get through the door of the Lee Center to get to the church. Please be patient with us.
The Christmas Masses are hard to arrange. Last year was very simple. This year we are doing things a little more elaborately. I thank all those who volunteered for ministries. I thank Suzie Budde for her hard work recruiting ministers.
I appreciate those who have asked about my Christmas plans. I will be here for Christmas, but plan to play it safe with a simple celebration with Fr. Matthew in our living quarters. Then on Sunday I will leave to spend a day with my sister’s family. COVID has once again caused me to be cautious. Let’s pray for an end to this scourge.
May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr Mark