Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dear Parishioners,

    This week it was announced that the administration of Alleman High School will be changed.  There has been a great deal of turmoil at Alleman as everyone is aware.  I have not made any public statements regarding the difficulties. I have tried to refrain from doing that.  I did not think that would help the situation.  I have expressed my concerns privately to diocesan officials.  I have also listened to those who were unhappy when they have approached me. 

If there had been a pastor’s board in place, perhaps I could have done more.  Unfortunately, that body was disbanded eight years ago.  I groped around for what to do and say as all of you have.  If there had been functioning consultive bodies in place perhaps a lot of misunderstanding would have been avoided. Vatican II called for collaborative approaches to ministry between the faithful and their pastors. Hopefully, we will experience more of that in the days ahead.

I state unequivocally that I am a proponent of Catholic Schools.  I have always been an admirer of the quality of education that Alleman has provided through the years. When I was first ordained, I taught there. I have heard from numerous alumni who have gone on to have successful careers after attending Alleman.  The love they have for the school shows that there has always been a lot that has been right about Alleman. Has it been perfect at all times?  I have been taught that only God is perfect. We are all sinners, but at our core God has made us good.  There are a multitude of good people who support Alleman.

The days ahead will be hard for Alleman and for its supporters.  I sense a great desire to move forward.  I encourage everyone to pray for the good of the school.  I thank all those who have respectfully expressed their opinion about the controversies of the recent past.  We must try to do what is best for our young people.  Never has a Catholic High School been needed more in our community. The fight to keep our high school is not over.  In many ways it has just begun. Perhaps Alleman can come out of this moment better than it was because talented lay leaders will be able to take more ownership of Alleman.

May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over our Catholic community in the days ahead.

Fr. Mark



Homily: Fourth Tuesday of Advent


Fourth Sunday of Advent (Lk. 1:39-45) “Can We Leap for Joy?”