Homily: Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent (Luke 7: 18b-23) “Do Say What We Mean?”

I remember having a conversation with my parents several times when I was growing up. Maybe you had similar conversations with your mother and father. My folks were part of a generation that did not wear their feelings on their sleeve.

At times I might wonder if they loved me. When my sister or I would ask that question, my mother would say, “How could you ask that question? You have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, each night you have a hot meal on the table. Of course, we love you.”

I felt at the time that was a little dissatisfying, but over the course of my life I have often seen parents who say they love their children, but then make selfish decisions without regard to how their children will be impacted. Word and deed must match if love is authentic.

The disciples of John the Baptist came to Jesus asking if he were the Messiah. John wanted Jesus to come out and state it clearly. But Jesus would not say. He said, “Look at my deeds. The blind see. The lame walk. Lepers are clean……and the poor have the good news preached to them.”

These are all things that Christians believe the prophets predicted would happen with advent of the Messiah. Jesus never declared that he was the Messiah with words, but every deed said that he was sent by God to show the world what the love really is.

Every time we have a liturgy, we make a declaration of faith. We do that when we say the creed together. We do that when we say Amen at communion time. The question always is whether we go out and act on what we say we believe.

Perhaps we can engage in a concrete action today which proves our love for God and neighbor.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How did my parents show their love for me? Did they do it with words or deeds or both?
  2. Is it easier for me to say I love God or show that I do? What are some ways that I show I love the Lord?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Soon our Advent readings will be changing, and we will be reading the stories of Christ’s birth. We are in the home stretch of the Advent season. I know I am feeling the pressure to get cards sent and to buy my last gifts. I even bought a tree a couple days ago.

          I believe in using all the Advent days and I believe in using the twelve days of Christmas. In fact, I celebrate Christmas up until the 2nd of February (the Feast of the Presentation). This gives me more time to accomplish all the tasks of Christmas. No one day celebrations for me. My decorations slowly go up and even more slowly come down.

          I hope that you can allow yourself a little extra time to complete your tasks. Who cares if your card is late, or a present isn’t quite on time?

          My Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.


          Fr. Mark





Homily: Third Thursday of Advent


Homily: Feast of St. John of the Cross