31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
As we heard the story of Bartimaeus last Sunday, it challenges us to be more aware of those with physical limitations in our midst. We might ask how we can do that in a practical way as a parish community. We might be sensitive to those we see attending our services, opening doors for them, helping them to their cars, etc.
Many times, “being helped” is difficult for people with physical afflictions. People want to take care of themselves if that is possible. When I was at the University of Illinois one of the goals of the university was to allow students with physical challenges to be able to move around campus as freely as possible. I remember students who were in motorized wheelchairs for example who went from place to place, moving in and out of buildings on their own because doors opened when tripped by an electric eye, ramps were provided, and other accommodations were made.
As we anticipate the new addition to our church, we can remember that one of the biggest motivations was to allow those who cannot enter the church freely, might one day be able to do so. Those who cannot use the bathrooms now might be able to access. This is so important and would seem to be worth whatever sacrifice we can make.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.
Fr. Mark