Fr Mark's Sunday Remarks for the Coming Week Beginning 17 October 2021
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time-17 October 2021
Dear Parishioners,
On November 6th , Seton School will be having its annual fall fundraiser. This is a virtual event. People are encouraged to have parties in their own home. This will start at 6 p.m. This is the largest Seton School fund raiser each year, so we encourage everyone to support our Catholic Grade School. There will be live and silent auction items and a raffle to participate in. For more information go to
Our parish council is working on a special project called a “deep listening.” Trained parish members will interview about 50-75 families. There are no special questions or surveys. The object is just to hear what is on people’s minds. Parish life has been greatly impacted by the pandemic. We try to guess what people are feeling, but it would be nice to hear firsthand. Rates of anxiety and depression are very high according to the research. The interviews will be conversational, and that conversation will go in whatever direction it may. The parish council is working in conjunction with Quad City Interfaith. There will be a training session before Christmas and then we will have listening sessions after Christmas. These sessions will be a one-on-one experience. People will be invited to participate before the interviews.
There is no underlying agenda. Our parish council would just like to listen.
May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark
P.S. I will not be having my daily reflection Sunday-Tuesday. I will defer to Fr. Britto who will be presenting the mission. The Mission on the Eucharist will be livestreamed and on Facebook. I will resume posting my daily thoughts on Wednesday.